Friday, April 28th, 2–9 PM
Kick off the 2023 Brooklyn Yarn Crawl with a Williamsburg/Bushwick Mini Yarn Crawl Friday, April 28th!
Featuring Cleo’s Yarn Shop, The Wandering Flock studio, and The Wandering Barman. Visit each of these neighboring spots, get a passport stamp, and be entered to win a mini yarn crawl raffle prize! Stopping by Cleo’s on Friday night will also count toward your overall Brooklyn Yarn Crawl passport.
Visit The Wandering Flock studio between 2 and 7pm, come to Cleo’s to shop between 12–7pm, or for a celebratory Happy Hour 5–7pm, and then wander over with us to the Wandering Barman tasting room for a sip and stitch 7–9pm!